Sunday, October 26, 2008

I actually DID it!

I had honestly planned on walking...but hey, who says that's any fun? lol
Too competitive for my own good...I ran (some would call it a pathetic jog, but whatever) the whole way...5k baby! Which is 3.1 miles!
Time not too bad!
15 weeks, almost 16!!!!!
Yay pregnant ME!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'm Pregnant Padme!

You know, the scene where Anakin is choking her to death & 20 min. later she gives birth to twins & dies?

Yah, no one else knew what I was either!!!!

But I was proud of my homemade costume! heehee. I put A LOT of work into it & no one even knew who I person said: Are you from Star Trek? EEEEKKKKK!!!

Where is this world headed when you run into people who have seriously NEVER seen Star Wars? {sigh}

Well, I could not find any other pregnancy inspired Halloween costume...then I remembered Padme.

*I* thought I looked pretty cool anyway. ;-)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Feeling more like my ol' self....

Took a,n actual RUN last Thursday! I walked a mile, ran a mile then rode my bike for 3.1 mi/5k.
I felt SO good.

Physically I was not up to my old endurance & pace, but the fact that I DID it. My run was slow, 12:30 for 1 stinking mile but I felt good about it anyway & proud of myself. One of my knees felt a bit tweaky but it always does the first day back.

Course, it took me a few days to recover! lol But seriously, it was a busy weekend.
Today I got back out there & I didn't have time to do the whole work out so I did one mile total, walk/run combo, 2 min each, @ a time. My time was even faster, 12:24 min, considering half of it was walking. My chest hurt a bit after but admittedly i didn't do a proper warm up or cool down, which is WHY I decided to do a run/walk combo anyway. No knee issues either. Mentally--I felt FANTASTIC afterwards! What a GREAT start to my day!

We had too many other things to go fabric shopping for my Halloween costume. I finally decided what I was going to be, last night. I was up way too late 'researching' & I am SO excited.

You'll have to wait until it's finished & I'll post a pic. heehee! ;-) We have a costume party to attend on Saturday & there is a costume contest...& well, I AM a bit competitive...SO I totally hope I WIN! LOL--but serious!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Baby Bump

14 weeks
(Yes, I'm wearing my running skirt! ;-) )

Monday, October 6, 2008

My weight in Tortillas!

My current weight in Mission Tortillas is 1130 tortillas! lol

Thursday, October 2, 2008


There hasn't been a sudden return of energy...yet. :-(

I've been forcing myself to make excuses to WALK. We had an appointment @ the library, so we walked...snuck in a mile. Then middle-not-so-little has football games & practice so we walked to the park, another mile. And various short errands, like down the block--walked.

But it's certainly way less than pre-pg activity.

And now my back has started to get achy & feel heavy if I stand for any length of time. I feel so heavy already so I can't imagine as I get bigger. This part is a little different & I hope as things adjust, it will get better.