Monday, January 19, 2009

If I hear ONE MORE TIME...

"you are so huge!" I will not be able to control myself & may smartly retort: So are YOU!!!

& NO I am NOT due *next month*. I am due in APRIL....that's almost 3 mos away.
& yep, I prolly *will* get bigger.

Yes I AM pg!

It's a boy & NO I am NOT telling you the name.

I will probably let you touch my stomach if you ask.

And hey--my face is UP HERE!

Yes I'm aware that I am now *totally* showing.
& no I don't need or want a second serving of food, nor do I have *room* for more, either.

AND I really do feel GREAT! :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


After getting out of the habit, I decided to call in to the casting agency...FIRST call was for pg women, obviously showing, between 6-8 mos...

BUT in their 20's! Bummer!

I called & left my info anyway....who knows? right?

Sex-pot to Totally NOT!

Not that I've ever *really* considered myself a sex-pot or even close...but there's that small window of opportunity in pregnancy where your body's filling out & you don't exactly *look* pg but your skin is glowing & fresh, you're kinda voluptuous & the hormones are raging. Well, that is if you're not barfing & hanging out over a disgusting toilet all day.

But anyway, one day it suddenly switches & nothing fits & you can't see your feet & you keep noticing stains on your shirt where your stomach is just *always* in the way! In *that* moment, you struggle to still look somewhat attractive, despite your growing girth.

You long for some semblance of *self* & not just the identity of human-incubator. kwim?
You try to dress nicer, which is a total joke as far as the maternity fashion ward is concerned, but we wear denial like a badge of honor & try anyway.

I experienced that first hand today. It's been hot suddenly, in the dead of winter, so I found myself a maternity skirt. I told myself it was cute, ignoring the UNflattering bunched elastic along the back, worn w/ a bright red maternity shirt. (@ least it didn't have any stains) I did wonder, however, if it was this fitted *now*, how would it be next month? {sigh}

I was @ the mall w/ DH, he was looking for shoes.

I happend to land my eyes on the cutest & slightly sexy heels EVER.
They had a bit of open toe, a bow, cork heel & the shoe itself was a tiny red rose print. Can you say Fabulous!
And comparitively speaking, they made my gams look great!
I pondered if I, an obviously full & pg woman, could *pull it off*.
I was debating how long I could *really* wear them until I began to ache *somewhere*...when DH walked up behind me & as I just slightly turned to look @ him.....nearly fell over as I lost my balance!

A simple physical manuever, taken for granted in so many other moments....

The right one didn't quite fit well enough anyway!
& they really weren't worth the price. You call *that* clearance? hmph!
I put them back in the box, noticing a black scuff along the side, they must be a *return*.

And slipped my feet back into the flip-flops I was wearing.

Do you think I could pull off high heels while transporting baby in a sling? ;-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

MUST have/read for EVERY Mother!

A friend from church gave me this book about 2 weeks ago.

It is totally amazing. It's written for pg mothers. It is full of blessing prayers for baby while in utero but it can be used for children already born. It makes so much sense.

The amazing thing is that while I've been saying these prayers & blessing over my babe, I have felt God ministering to my own soul through the words.

I wish I could afford to purchase a box of them & I'd give them to every mother I know.

Pure Joy!