Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Forget Diapers!

Baby K absolutely, totally, completely, will NOT sit still for diaper changes. I am seriously considering going all in w/ the EC & going diaper free. It's too frustrating to wrestle w/ a near 9 month old just to change a diaper.

I procrastinate changing him cause it's so exasperating. Not sure if it's a discipline/obedience/training issue. He just wants to be moving, pretty much, @ ALL times. He only sits to eat or in his stroller--IF the stroller is moving. lol

Forget trying to dress him either. Unfortunately the weather is still cool. He needs to have some clothes on while crawling the hard wood floors. I give him a toy and it distracts him from the task @ hand for about thirty seconds before he's flipping over and attempting to shimmy down the side of the couch. I am not even exaggerating.

{sigh} I LOVE this child.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

O Baby!

You climb, you crawl, you don't sit still!!!!  Seriously.

If I put you down on the floor---you will flip over & crawl away, anywhere.
We just celebrated your first Christmas. I can't imagine it with out you.  You are such a joy, a busy joy but a joy still.  You didn't bother the tree or the ornaments.  You did rip my curtains to shreds--biting them & pulling.  A favorite past time of yours. heehee.

You got a lot of clothes (size 12 mos & up) for Christmas and some toys.  I wanted you to have all natural toys...so which one is your favorite? This hard plastic electronic gizmo! {eyeroll} lol

Next year you will be so excited for Christmas. (not that I'm in a rush)  This year was no big deal to you, really.  I took you with me today for some after Christmas shopping.  Just a few things like some yummy yarn and your first Christmas ornament. It's adorable, I must say.

Why has my blog suddenly switched like I'm writing a letter directly to *you*? I have no idea. haha.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Busy Baby

Rolling over at lightening speed, another tooth before I even know you're teething, your first Halloween, a few days shy of 7 mos.

I want to cry. Why? Because I know the time is flying by faster than I can keep the memories in my head. Even though I long for a full night of sleep, I know I will miss the day you are no longer in my bed. In the middle of a hectic day (which is very often lately) I look at your sweet face, those cheeks that are beginning to fill out and I can't help but swell up inside, to over flowing, with love.

Love beyond description.

You help me stop.

Stop feeling overwhelmed. Stop worrying. Stop rushing. Stop and give you kisses. Stop and tell you what a joy you are to my life. What a blessing you are. I stop and smile at you and you smile back with that beautiful toothy grin with drool dripping down your chin. I repeat what a joy you are to my life. What a joy your sister is and your two brothers.

I know that tomorrow will come quickly. Today is a mere blink. So I stop, I open my eyes and I *love* you. I take a deep breathe. I enjoy you.

There is no rush. You will grow up, for sure. You will sleep through the night. You will have your own bed. Your own room.

And you will no longer cry for me...

Thank you my love.
Thank you for reminding me...of every moment.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I missed him

Last night lil fella slept in his own bed for the first time...only for the first half of the night though.

Then I think he was punishing me for it the rest of the night because although I took him back into bed w/ me, he did not sleep well @ all.  I don't even know why I put him in his bed...guess cause it was in our room staring @ me for the past 6 mos? Or maybe it's cause baby rolls all over the bed & ends up sideways & I am afraid he will get smothered by a blanket? Or maybe it's simply cause *I* feel so squished on the end (ahem *edge*) of the bed.

I must admit I really could not get to sleep w/o him near me, wierd I know. Sometimes he has woken up and I see him simply put his hand on me and go back to sleep.

I have not been ECing any more during the night...which may or may not contribute to him waking up more. I am not sure. I have just been too tired so I just nurse him...but somehow I think he sleeps better (less restlessness)  if I *do* take him potty.

O! and hey! I finally got him to eat avacado today...I simply had to cut it into chunks NOT mash it up. He took quite a few bites that way. Yay.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hell Week!

You know, that week for football players right before the season officially starts? That's pretty much how it was last week. My poor babe! He screamed & cried & kicked *every* time I would put him down, even if just to change his diaper.

When he woke up one day w/ tons of mucous running out of his nose & no longer fussing, I realized, he must've been having a sinus headache all that time!  Sheesh! Finally I had my babe back! I was worried there for a minute.

He's got 4 teeth now too. How fast huh? He's got his upper two & his lower front two. I can't believe it myself. I was looking forward to getting a few shots w/ just his first front two. Before they were all the way in, the top two were coming through.  He's such a cutie though, I won't mind too much.

He doesn't want to eat baby food! Then it dawned on me, maybe he wants real *feeling* chunky soft food, right? I gave him a small spoon tip worth of rice & beans. O! The look on his face! He did not like the texture of the rice & he stuck his tongue out & spit it out immediately.  I've been letting him gnaw & chew on chewy breads like bagels..but I read that grains aren't really too good for them at this age...so I don't know what to feed him besides continued nursing.

All he will really take is bananas!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First illness...

My poor babe!  He's had quite a fever now for the past few days. Today I noticed a rash too so it could be Roseola. Poor little guy is obviously not feeling good.  He's not really crying just making whiny noises and it's just so sad.

I've been giving him tylenol and it seems to help for awhile.  Otherwise, today, all he wants to do is 'pretend' to nurse.  The good thing is that he is sleeping a bit better.  Of course all I want to do is hold and snuggle him and make it all better...but alas, there are so many things to do plus I'm not feeling too great myself. {sigh}

It's unusal but I've been able to just lay him down in the bed and he will sort of roll over half way and go to sleep. I know the rest is good for him. The nursing is also the best thing too so I've cut back all 'real' foods for now.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

3? Are you kidding me?

Baby has 3, count them, 3 teeth! I thought it would take longer. whew! For cutting in so many, he certainly hasn't been very fussy.

Last night though he broke out in a fever and slept very fitfully. I do not know why. The digital ear thermometer we have was of no use either. It wouldn't read his temp as anything over 96 degrees and it kept reading *my* temp as 94!!!

I've been giving him a few foods here an there. He loves bananas but they seem to give him a stomach ache. He refuses to open his mouth for hard boiled egg yolk. I even mixed it with lots of coconut oil and sweet potatoes once. Yesterday he had pomegranate applesauce. High in antioxidants low on baby friendliness. It was a crack up. He'd take it in but then make these sour faces that were so funny.

I steamed and mashed carrots for him. Except for being mush, I thought they tasted delicious. Apparently he does not agree. I am trying to start him off healthy but he seems to not be having any of it. I know breastmilk is the most nutritious thing for him right now anyway so I guess there really is no rush.

I have  a group I meet with every other Thursday night, so even though I don't want to rush him, I want him to have something available to hold him off when I am not here for those few hours.

And even though I am enjoying the bit of 'freedom' (which really isn't an accurate word), I am saddened by how quickly he is growing. I think I normally do a good job of savoring the moments...but this time has flew by.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I guess NOT!

Pomegranite Applesauce going *in*....

...but not so well received!

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's fascinating, really

how much my baby is developing and how. The other day I was speaking to him in a happy tone BUT he was *not* looking at me. He could not see my face but he smiled and got excited. I realized he was processing what I was saying and his brain was recognizing it as a positive tone with out him even needing to see my face! I find that pretty amazing.

I never realized before how their brain processing is also developing auditorily. You would think that by child #4, nothing would be 'new' or exciting any more right? but NO! I'm seeing even more fine details that I never noticed before. We are such fascinating creatures. The way we learn, develop and take in the world around us. each aspect more fascinating than the previous.

Baby K is practically sitting up now. He can for a few seconds before slightly leaning over and then falling over. O! We visited a friend the other day who's youngest is 1 year old and also loves to scream. So guess who has picked up this *adorable* ear piercing habit? yikes! Another fascinating part of development--imitation? I guess he's a fast learner. :-)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Song for a Fifth Child

Mother, oh Mother,

come shake out your cloth,

empty the dustpan,

poison the moth,

hang out the washing

and butter the bread,

sew on a button and make up a bed.

Where is the mother whose house

is so shocking?

She's up in the nursery,

blissfully rocking.

Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little

Boy Blue (lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

Dishes are waiting and bills are past due

(pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).

The shopping's not done

and there's nothing for stew

and out in the yard there's a hullabaloo

but I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo.

Look! Aren't her eyes the most wonderful hue?

(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).

The cleaning and scrubbing

will wait till tomorrow,

for children grow up,

as I've learned to my sorrow.

So quiet down, cobwebs.

Dust go to sleep.

I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep'

~Ruth Hulburt Hamilton~

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Growing, growing, growing...

like a WEED! haha!

He finally had his 2 mos check-up--yes he's 5.5 mos old. He was *lost* in the system & once he was found it was another month before he could get in to see the doc.

He weighs 15 lbs 4 oz! He's doing well rolling over & pushing up when he is on his belly.

Last week he cut in a beautiful new pearly white! No more chewing on my knuckles..those baby teeth are sharp!

He received 3 shots today & is *not* a happy camper! He is the most fussy he has ever been. The baby tylenol helped. I was glad he @ least, got out of 1 shot, because he was too old. I am not %100 comfortable w/ vaccinations but I am not %100 not giving them either. My compromise is for them to receive them later than recommended. I figure their immune systems are more developed and all that breastmilk has provided good natural antibodies & protection.

He went on his first camping trip last week. it wasn't so bad. I think he enjoyed the hike we took. He was in the wrap & didn't fuss a bit. He fell asleep after awhile. Everyone commented on how *good* he was--never hear him cry. He didn't sleep so well the first night, but who would on that hard ground? He did better the second night...too bad I didn't.

The EC is continuing & worked great while camping. Even more so since he was mostly 'in arms' the majority of the time.

he will be starting solid foods soon....the doctor said no eggs but I recently read egg yolk is good for babies--a good 'fat'. Doctor also said after 6 mos he can basically eat *anything*...really? hhhmmm...interesting.

Speaking of food--have you walked down the baby food aisle lately? Gerber has this expanded line of baby/toddler & preschool foods--totally disgusting! It's a meal in a box! Basically a tv dinner for a baby. Naturally they call it healthy! yuck! It says NO preservatives...ok well then HOW do you *box* vegetables? O! you put it in a 'pouch'? barf!

And I know inexperienced moms are going to see those & probably feel *good* giving it to baby. :(

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What's the rush?

I can't believe he is 4 months old. Seriously! Why does time have to move so quickly? Is it ungrateful to miss that cuddly, snuggly tiny babe?

I enjoy every phase of my children's lives...but newborns! aaahhhh....need I say more?

The ECing is still going strong. I really love it. We even EC'd @ Disneyland last night. woohoo. He seems to enjoy it much more on his little potty than me holding him, like I did at first.

The babe can officially roll over too. I was starting to fear he wouldn't cause he was always in arms but I began tummy time on a blanket on the floor. It wasn't long before natural development caught up. He's also sporting the old-man-going-bald do! Yes, his hair is falling out, like mine, but he had a full fluff on each side by his ears. Too funny.

He loves his voice, is drooling up a storm (a flood?) & his tooth buds are really obvious now.

What sweetness, to love this child.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


aka Elimination Communication. aka Infant Potty Training.

I'm taking this up. We're on day 4 & this is going so much better than I imagined. Seriously! I'm totally hooked. It's so easy. @ least I have made it very easy on myself. As soon as he wakes up...to the sink we go. We make faces in the mirror & laugh & sure enough....psssss! yay!

The warm weather is also making it easy because baby can be half clothed w/ ease as I watch for signs. I am not stressing msyelf out about it. There are many misses but they are near misses.

Yesterday we were out & about. I wasn't sure how that would work. I just *knew* he had to go but I wasn't able to get to him on time but when I did check his dipey--sure enough, he had *jsut* gone!

This is also such a self confidence booster as a mother too. Confirming how much I really do know my child/baby. And it's actually a lot of FUN!

Not to mention the diapers I am saving each time I get a catch.

Friday, July 17, 2009

sleep? what! sleep?

Hopeing not to jinx myself but baby has effectively been going to sleep around 9pm or so last few nights. Seriously. I think we may finally be settling on a routine. Although...I think I may also remember this same thing happening w/ last baby (current 7yo) & all my hopes getting dashed as soon as she started cutting her teeth in.

I will enjoy it while I can. This week we have been trapped in our home due to some house painting & have had to have teh windows closed. So we ahev been running fans. I think the fan noise seems to really help him sleep. wierd. But hey! whatever works right?

I do think he is beginning to teethe for reals now too. Instead of just sucking, he is really gnawing or biting down on my knuckle now. Hope it doesn't get too bad for him.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I think baby is a nudist...

Lately it has been really hot. That's dreadful when you have a new cuddly sweet baby. I jsut *had* to put him down but he was so upset. Then something amazing happened....he cried harder & louder when I laid him down until....I took his diaper off.

Suddenly he was SO happy. I took it off & left it off & he was all smiles, giggles & crazy kicky feet. LOL

I've been trying this @ least once or twice a day, when we have some down time, to be sure it wasn't just a fluke.

It's confirmed, that cute little guy just loves to be nakey! :-)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Teeth! what?

I know it's early but I swear he's already got 2 front teeth buds!

I wouldn't have believed it myself either but...I noticed & rubbed my finger along his gum & could totally feel them. Confirmed!


I wonder if *that's* why he's my first baby to noticeably be such a drooler? lol

I hope it's a trend...

Last night baby seemed to be asleep. I laid him in bed but still had a few things to do before I joined him. I noticed he would move & shift around a bit but I decided not to start nursing him right away but to wait & see what would happen. This was around 10pm or so.

He pretty much stayed asleep!!! It seemed to take him about 20 min to be fully *out* but he made it. He had even opened his eyes a few times but went back to sleep.

I finally heard from him around 4:30am or so & I nursed him back to sleep.

I will try this again tonight & see what happens....here's hoping! :-D

By morning time, he's such a smiling joy! So maybe he is a morning person?
Yesterday I put him in the wrap, but facing outward. He seemed to like it. We were outside so that might've helped. We worked in the garden, pulling weeds & I explained everything to him the whole time. He's a great listener! LOL

Friday, May 22, 2009

What's it worth?

average nights sleep? 3 hours

diapers changed per day? 10

minutes to myself? 0

Being the first to make baby smile? PRICELESS!!!


Yes, I got a huge grin today. I was holding a cloth diaper in front of baby, playing peek-a-boo, this morning. One time it produced a huge grin. Another time I snuzzled & tickled his neck & he did the same thing but you always doubt that first one right? lol

I also kept sticking my tongue in & out knowing he would/should copy me, and he did. What a little sweetie he is!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Magical Month One!

It feels like a lifetime but baby is one month old!

I feel like we finally know each other. I feel adjusted (to the sleep loss? lol) & confident, as if all my baby momma skills suddenly came back to me overnight. heehee. He doesn't seem so fragile anymore. I know when he's tired but cries cause he doesn't know how to fall asleep. I know when he's crying cause he wants to be held but isn't starving. Or when he has an air bubble & needs to burp.

He enjoys walks in the stroller. Especially when he's a bit tired. He'll cry a bit then fall asleep. One night he slept in the stroller for 3 hours! I didn't know what to do w/ myself! lol

I am so in love.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

no more whining!

UUUmm...ok, I guess I'll stop complaining bout my weight & current body shape.....

I was weighed while @ the WIC office today.
I've already lost @ least 20lbs! I don't know if I should be shocked or relieved?

On the flip side...I tried on a different pair of maternity pants today...they were too *tight*! ugh. {eyeroll}

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Here we are *today*!

It was one of those days that I couldn't even catch a break to take a shower....kwim?
Baby needs me, kids need me, DH needs me, *I* need me!!!

After everyone else gets their showers in & I finally think I have a chance...no hot water.
Once the warm water replenishes...NO CLEAN TOWELS!!!!!! arg! Not one in the whole place??? Nope!

Which @ this point...can move me to tears in an instant!
Reminder: this is only a *short* season!! :-)
OH! & BUY more towels!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pornographic stage!

{hope I don't regret using that word in my title}

Yep! This is where we are folks!
Milk has come IN....just when you really thought I could NOT get any *bigger*! shya right!

Don't you remember me mentioning this a few months ago?
Don't say I didn't warn you. LOL

Oh & took K back in today...no weight gain but no drop either. There was a diff nurse today She seemed to think coming in the very *next* day didn't make much sense...yah, ya think? duh.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


in their right mind schedules a new mother & baby for a 9:00 AM appointment the very next day after release from the hospital for giving birth? Apparently Kaiser! lol

WHAT was I thinking agreeing to it? arg!

It was to check for jaundice...all fine.

However when they weighed him the *advice nurse* seemed very concerned over the fact that he had lost %10 of his birth weight...bringing him *down* to 6lb 4 oz!!! Yikes!

So...she suggested we supplement w/ formula temporarily.

Nod & smile. yah, NOT gonna happen!
My milk hadn't even come in yet...I'm fairly healthy so I predict there should be no problem there, never had a problem before. She made an appointment for us to come back in the next day to weigh him again.....ugh. We had her schedule it for the latest possible time...to give ourselves that much longer to feed him.

Smile & nod.
Smile & nod.

Monday, April 6, 2009

After thoughts

I really have NO complaints.

The labor went quickly which was a blessing.

I felt really good afterward.

Today I feel really tired but I think that's simply cause it's so hard to sleep @ the hospital.
My bum is a bit sore today but not too bad.

My stomach is *still* really *high* up. Weird. Seems like baby never *dropped*.
Gained the most weight & baby is smallest? I expected him to be bigger. lol Guess I really was eating for *me*. lol

He's a *great* nurser, much better then the other 3 were @ first. He's REALLY nursing good. SO far he seems very bright & alert & calm, over all.
He's *skinny*....for being 20 in long & just under 7 lbs....I was surprised how small he was, really...& such a sweet, tiny little head.

He's got great color. His eyes, of course are that newborn grey but I really think they will be brown like the rest.
No bald headed babies ever here. lol

Dh seems SO involved too this time...wanting to hold him ALL the time. Definitely different.
I am finally realizing this is OUR baby. lol Took me a few hours though to get used to the idea.
I kinda felt disconnected but I know it helps to hold baby as much as possible...so I have been & I feel more connected. He's just SO sweet.

Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

The weather was gorgeous yesterday & bright & sunny today. I wore my dress home & was still bigger then I expected (LOL) but that's ok.
It's supposed to rain Tuesday night then for a few days...so we'll see.

4/5 is a good date.
I don't know what they base this on but his apgar score was 9.9 (out of 10 right?).
His color is good.

Those cloth diapers I made...are NOT going to fit him for awhile, I think. LOL
He's got quite the tiny bony rump! lol

His Birth Story

Wow...so I guess I *must* be tired because I got online earlier & just didn't have the mental capacity to post anything. lol

So here we go...blow by blow...

Woke up yesterday morning, as usual, to go to church, except earlier. Felt a contraction that was undeniably *different*. Just *knew* this was it but I doubted myself anyway so I didn't tell Big E. Lil E was still out of town, btw. Posted to you all...forced myself to take a shower. Knew I'd regret it if I didn't. SO GLAD I did. I woke DH up right before I got in the shower...that was 8:40am. Told him to get the kiddos ready for church.

Tried to time the contrax but as I had posted yesterday, just could NOT keep track of time. I was wearing my watch, would check the time...then when next one hit, just could NOT remember what time the other one had hit. kwim? Seriously.

Finally when they were 1-2 min apart, DH was like: I think we should go to the hospital. I did not like that idea & thought it was still too early. Was afraid they'd put me in a bed & I'd be stuck there for hours, uncomfortable & tempted to get drugs that I really didn't want. kwim? BTW: *this time* I was smart enough to call my SIL *before* I went to the hospital, prior to births I called her on my way & she missed them both, I was done by the time she got there so I never got nay pix or videos.

SO we head off to the hospital...when I got there I was VERY glad DH had insisted we go cause I could now tell my body was simply operating under the command of: DOWN & OUT! As in everything inside was moving DOWN & OUT! kwim? My mil & fil were there. I believe it was around 11am.

Prenatal triage is on the 2nd floor. Made our way up there...stopping along the way cause I could not walk through the contrax.

It took a bit more time then I expected @ the front counter....I was thinking the entire time of my *rehearsed* line: Last time I was here I had the baby within 20 minutes! Thinking if I did they would believe me....well I did not say it...

So they set me up in a triage space w/ instructions to get/give a urine sample & change into a hospital gown. Things were getting even MORE serious & I could barely move to try & change.

Once I did I notice fluid dripping...w/ a bit of blood. I could *not* give a urine sample. Naturally they told me to get up onto the bed. Not what I wanted but @ least they were patient to wait until the contrax gave me a break.

Then onto the bed...I felt disappointed & was afraid I'd be there for hours more. The contrax were *really* beginning to become unbearable & they were putting a baby heart monitor around my stomach which just felt irritating to me, but whatever. Eventually @ some point they wanted to *check* me & said they *thought* I was maybe @ 6-7-or 8 cm dilated but she couldn't tell for sure & they felt the bag bulging & baby's head. I thought my water had broken or already sprung a leak since I was having fluid come out???

DH was trying to tell them my labors are pretty quick but I don't think they believed us. They wanted to put an IV in. What for? They said to help manage the pain, I told them I did not want anything for the pain...then she said, ok it's just fluids. I did not have the energy to fight about that or question her any more. The contrax were really, really serious & I felt emotional about it & was crying a bit through them.

I guess my body knew how I felt because as a person attempted to put an IV, she said my vein blew ??? SO she went for another bright vein on the back of my hand...same thing. I have very *good* veins so this was *weird*.

A bit later someone else came & they told her to get my IV into my other hand...that hurt SO BAD! I think she hit the bone or something...I think that made me cry a bit more.

She apologized...NO IV though. Finally they were taking me to a L & D room. Yay! I actually get to be in an actual Labor & Delivery room this time.

All this time DH has been letting me keep a death grip on his hand during contrax & telling me positive things like I'd doing great & such...

They wheel the bed I'm on into the L&D room & they *insist* I have to get into this other bed. NOW I've gotta PUSH!
I'm starting to feel frantic....& like I have to go the bathroom. iykwim. Of course they tell me NOT to push. But it's really too late to say that. They want me to get onto the other bed but I gotta PUSH & the contrax are not gonna wait for me to change beds. SO A nurse CLIMBS up onto the other bed to try & help me move over onto it. Somehow I manage to roll over onto it & scooch over all the while I can feel my body pushing....

I am flat on my back. WHY? But it's too late to really care....I push & the nurse is like WHOA! & puts her hand on my body as baby's head is coming out...LOL...I guess trying to hold him & I back??? lol The CNM is NOT even there. Now that I think back over it...I realize I basically did this ON MY OWN, anyway. lol The CNM kinda runs in & is like WHOA! as I'm pushing his head out. NOTHING is stopping me & I am NOT waiting any longer. NO one is even holding or supporting my legs or anything. Then I push again & he's here!

SIL tells me that baby was born inside the amniotic sac...still intact, the CNM peeled it off his face & body...but it was like tight on his body & he did not cry, open his eyes or mouth or anything until she peeled it off.

Birth time recorded as 12:02pm!!! It *seemed* so much longer @ the time....

Whew! I'm already laying back....I pretty much had one had on the wall next to me & my other is holding DH hand. He's telling me how great i am. I feel shaky & just really out of it.

There's a baby on my belly & I lazily put my hand on him. I can't believe he's SO TINY!!!! & I feel nothing emotionally. I can't even believe it but I don't even feel shock. I just feel very out of it.

I see DH cuts baby's cord. I feel emotionally NUMB. I'm shaky.

Eventually they move baby to clean & weigh him. I did think a few thoughts & start saying aloud how great I am, to myself. How good I did. DH had been kissing me & telling me how proud he was of me & how great I did too, right before that....I was kinda thinking what for? I think I was confused or didn't realize baby had been born or I don't know what?

Eventually they put him on me again to try & nurse...he's SO TINY! I can't believe it!!! And it all doesn't seem real yet.

Eventually we're moved up to the 5th floor & Sam & Birdy are finally allowed to come in & meet their new baby brother. (Lil E is still not back yet) They are SO in love!!! They don't want to stop holding him & Birdy keeps suggesting he needs a diaper change so she can HELP!!! Heart

More pix after they upload....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No joke!

I *really* thought last night/this morning was going to be IT.

I was having some pretty strong contractions, the kind that wrap all the way around your middle, front to back. When I stand, it stimulates contractions. If I went for a few laps around the block...maybe I could force the issue, but when I would sit down, things would settle.

But last night, I already *was* sitting down. Eventually I went to bed, thinking, well if this IS it, I better get some rest...I fell asleep. They stopped. I was awakened a couple hours alter by a strong contraction, got up to use the restroom & didn't have any more & promptly feel back asleep. {sigh}

Not htat I really want my baby's due date to be on April Fool's Day! No way.

And guess what...our dog is *expecting* too. I wasn't sure @ first, thought maybe she was just *eating extra well* & gaining wight. She is clearly waddling now & *wide*. Lovely!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Yay for cloth dipeys!!!

I finished a doz cloth dipeys! It wasn't as hard as I initially made it out to be. I thought it would be easy...once I started it was more challenging then I estimated...then I REread the online directions & voila! Much easier!

It helps if you read directions thoroughly & not just *skim*. heehee Lesson learned...hopefully.

I have been gifted w/ a couple packages of disposey diapers. I appreciate that...for the beginning especially. I was also gifted w/ a dozen prefold cloth diapers! SO grateful because then I don't feel so pressured to rush & get more made before baby is born.

Not only am I trying to save $$$ I don't even have, w/ the cloth dipeys, but I *seriously* prefer cloth diapers. No, really. It's really NOT hard to keep them up. They don't require so much extra washing care as
people think. I have it fairly simplified over all.

I found a tutorial onlinefor making the cloth diapers, using sweatshirts &
T-shirts...right up my upcycling alley! I had some flannel fabric that I used on a few, for a cute backing, then used strips of sweatshirt for the middle thickness & lined the other side w/ upcycled t-shirt! The worst part was the cutting! I hate cutting fabric anyway, so this was nothing new. lol

Would you like to see some pix?

I'll be using the flannel scraps I have left over for homemade baby wipes. It's too easy *not* too. I simply fold them into a double layer & zig zag around.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Nothing to report here on week 38!

I asked my not-so-littles if they wanted to come to the hospital when I go into labor, if it was night time, or they wanted to wait @ home. Birdy responded that she wanted to be *surprised* so for me to tell her I was going to a a meeting, then come home w/ the baby! lol

I didn't quite understand her rationale on that.

Then when they were going to bed, I asked them if I go into labor do you want me to wake you up to go to the hospital w/ us or let you sleep....they responded, quite adamantly that I should *wake them up!!!* I guess they changed their minds?

I'm tired but I think it's simply because I have been staying up way too late & I honestly think that makes me have a restless sleep. Otherwise, I must confess, this pg has not been all that bad. Tired more than usual & ever before but that's it. That can also be from my lack of physical activity & too much carb intake. Prolly need more protein.

My weight gain is the most EVER...trying not to dwell on it because it IS still within normal & recommended weight gain for pg. But still...kwim?

Even my sciatica has not been that bothersome. No nausea in the beginning...just major fatigue! I really can't complain. Thank goodness I have had an extremely helpful & understanding DH home this time around.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Everyday I wake up...

and wonder if *today* would make a good birth day....I say it out loud....how does march 24th sound? How does it roll off the tongue?

I am having LOTS of contractions today but NONE are consistent & NONE seem very strong for *anything*. sad {sigh}


SO no this is not an announcement or even false alarm...just *wishful* thinking. lol Grin2

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I took back the duplicates & a couple other items I don't need. Wasn't too bad. & I let my not-so-littles scan whatever. lol

I finally found some bedding & blankets I really liked. Not that it matters but some people are really interested in your *theme*...well I realized my *theme* is basically *green*. lol I really like the colors they have now of green, brown & maybe some blue thrown in. So I scanned quite a few coordinating littel blankets, one full bedding set & other odds & ends like canvas baskets & such.

I don't think I will get them but you never know.

After returning the items, combined w/ a gift card I received...I think I will be able to get a *jogging stroller*!!! Yay! Nothing fancy but something none the less. So I need to get back to my *research*.

I *still* want to make something for baby but I just don't know WHAT!!! It's HOT today so now i'm thinking w/ warmer weather on the way that a light weight {sewn} blanket would be better than a crocheted one. Most of the fabric I have though....girly! I have to figure *something* out.

Back to Babies R Us today.

I'm behind on posting, sorry. But hey! I made a slideshow of all my pg pix, week by week but blog is giving me grief when trying to post it...so maybe later.

Anyhoo. The shower turned out nice. We got a car seat, which was *really* ALL we *needed*! kwim? I feel a bit bad cause people keep asking me what we *need*---well after all these years, either I've forgotten or (& this is what I actually believe) I've just realized what I simply DON'T need. Which is most everything made for babies these days. lol I don't have space for *stuff*. My personal philosophy is that most of the larger items are created for moms to NOT hold baby.

Well duh! Isn't that what we are *supposed* to be doing? SO who needs a vibrating seat? Who needs a rocker seat? Who needs a gym hanging toy thingy? Who needs an exersaucer? kwim? & they use it for such a short time.

I prefer to *wear* my babies & then if I must set them down, they can learn to play on a blanket....not to mention....brothers & sisters that can help & entertain baby. kwim?

I don't have room for a highchair. Big E's aunt was kind enough to purchase the booster seat that comes w/ a tray, that attaches to a regular dining chair, from my registry! I think it's perfect & it's height adjustable. I had something similar w/ the last 2 & it was much more convenient.

I'm off again today to return some duplicate items & allow the not-so-littles to scan some more items. It's fun for them.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I really can't believe I'm so close. kwim? Tomorrow is the baby shower MIL is throwing for me. Initially she told me it would be @ the park. I thought that was a great idea so I would be able to invite my own friends too. She told me I could.

But then she changed it to her house. I even told her she could have it here @ *my* house...we've had *Welcome Baby* parties here before....but she declined. So I really didn't invite any of my own friends to it. I know it will be crowded enough & parking will be a bear.

She was afraid the family from TJ would not want to go to the park or to my house....I guess she forgot that they've all been here before....idk.

Some ladies/friends from church said they were going to throw me one....I think now they are planning on throwing a *Welcome Baby*??? I'm not exactly sure.

I don't even know if MIL is planning on any games or any thing & she seems quite stressed out over it altogether. I *hate* that. It makes me uncomfortable. & the time kept getting moved later & later...so I already know it's going to be a very *long* day.

I think I should have registered for some more & different items but I never made it back down there, we've just been *so* busy. Oh well. & mil told DH that some of the *aunts* were complaining that they could not find anything on my registry. Well yah, that's kinda how it is. A list just prints out w/ sku numbers & the title of the item...so you have to search thru the store to find it.

But I don't care. I couldn't register IN the store for what I really wanted anyway, so a gift is a gift. I'm sure anything they get will be fine. And if not...I'll just take it back, get store credit & stock up from wanted items, online, that were not available in the store. lol

I didn't even get a chance to scan/register for blankets! I'll prolly end up w/ a lot of blue items when I really want green but that is my own fault. I could not decide between the green w/ frogs or the green w/ monkeys. lol

Maybe when/if my other friends throw me one...I'll have a better idea. who knows? lol

I don't know if I want to wear a pretty dress---that makes me look even huger, tomorrow...or a shirt & pant...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This midwife is SO fast during appointments. SHe's nice but she's so upbeat & our appointments literally FLY by ina bout 15 min. lol

No diabetes---no suprise there. duh. SHe seeemd a bit surprised but pleased that blood tests showed NO anemia either.

I have to admit, the idea that I have gained the *most* weight EVER this pg (which I totally blame on being SO inactive!), is so disconcerting to think about---BUT @ the same time, I AM strong & healthy.

I have had some extremely stressful moments that I *literally* thought I would go into pre-term labor!!! But baby & I are *strong* & that is what matters. Baby is *still* so active & it's wonderful.

Of course CNM reiterated that labor @ this point would *not* be stopped. It's considered totally safe from here on out. I don't have any history of preterm or real early deliveries so I am not counting on it. lol

It would be *nice* though---I feel SO busy lately & I know I am not geting enough rest so it would be nice to have baby simply so I would be forced to SIT DOWN! I'd have a great excuse, no one would expect anything from me & I wouldn't feel pressure to DO anything but SIT & care for baby.

*I* personally beleive that is why God designed us to breastfeed!!! lol So we mothers would be FORCED to SIT & rest @ least every few hours. I do have one small fear---that my inactivity will result in a longer & harder labor....I don't want to jinx myself but I'm just saying...kwim?

My BH have definately gotten more frequent & stronger but nothing serious.

I'm debating whether I should go in, when labor begins, as early as possible so I have time to settle in @ the hospital & have a real birthing room---or if I should just stay home as long as possible then go last minute, like in the past & then be rushed into a *delivery* room when the staff are caught by surprise if things go as quickly as past labors. kwim?

Not sure which is worth more to me....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I tried to get out of it...thought I had by missing it in December...but NO!

CNM *still* wanted me to go in to get my Glucose Tolerance test done. Which is this annoying test to check for gestational diabetes. {eyeroll} I know, I'm SO rebellious!

So you can't eat anything past 11pm, which I never do anyway BUT because they told me not to, I totally wanted to. lol I almost forgot this morning NOT to eat--simply out of habit.

I get there first thing @ 7am. I had to wake up in the dark mind you due to the time change. ugh. There was a long line @ the lab. Go in, drink the sweet orange stuff. It kind of tastes like flat orange soda but on an ampty stomach...ugh. They take blood. The guy who did it---barely a pinch. He was good except I couldn't really understand his accent. He was nice enough NOT to tape the gauze to my hairy arms but used this sticky ace bandage-y stuff instead.

Next hour go in for more blood....a different person. This one poked a bit more & she used tape but didn't put it too tight, thank goodness.

Next hour, last time. This one HURT! & she put the tape TIGHT! What happened to the ace bandage? kwim?

It was over anyway.
I crocheted a hat while I was there & did some writing. Real writing, on paper, in a journal book. lol

My arm is still sore from the last one & I think I have a slight bruise. What's up w/ that?

I have my next prenatal appointment tomorrow AND Birdy has a violin lesson half hour later. I have to scramble to figure out a way to get her to her lesson while I am @ w/ the CNM......Dh is unavailable. (for a good reason) And she can't miss, it's her first one & she had to miss last week cause DS had Scarlet Fever. I've had it before, which makes me immune, so baby & I were safe.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Getting excited?

I think I am....

A few online E-quaintances have had their babies recently & it makes me feel excited.

Plus, w/ all the extended family drama & stress I've been experiencing lately, I am looking fwd to the sweet blessing & distraction a baby can bring. I still need to get the crib out of the garage & make sure everything is ok w/ it.

I need to clean up my room really good to make room for the crib, or in the not-so-littles room.

Baby will be rooming n w/ us & co-sleeping for quite some time, but eventually will be in the crib & I want it out & about now. kwim? Our rooms are so small...

The BH I experience are getting stronger. Nothing serious but simply noticeably stronger & more intense. Sleeping is getting harder & sciatica is getting stronger but not as bad as I remember...so far anyway. I am thankful about that though.

@ my last appointment CNM still pointed out that she *still* wants me to take the diabetes/sugar test. {eyeroll} She said though that they would do some other labs @ the same time. I'm not sure what other tests there are...but whatever. Everyone has been sick here so I did not make the appointment yet, but I will tomorrow, unless I forget. She also said she will do an ultra-sound @ the next app & they will being to be every 2 weeks now.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Registery ugh!

Yesterday & today I finally went to register....

Sunday was AWFUL! What a nightmare! Plus I was rushed but WHY do they only have ONE employee working the registry counter on a WEEKEND? kwim?
I jsut needed to get those little cards to give to my MIL.

Went back today to actually register for *real* items...
I feel guilty for being flippant & putting the Nintendo DS (handheld) on the registry ONLY because S saw & instantly got SO excited not understanding what this whole *registry* deal is & thinking we were going to actually GET those items or people were REALLY going to BUY us what we scan. kwim?

Maybe it would work if that was ALL I had on my registry. kwim? Cause I am rebellious like that.

SO I went back today & ONLY was able to hit 1/4 of the store & ended up w/ 123 items on my registry.
123 items of WHAT? I have NO idea really.
But each & every item seemed to make sense @ the time. kwim?

I think it was mostly various lotions, washes, (all natural) & then other various things that I never knew they sold there like mouthwash, toothpaste & toothbrushes, for adults. lol

And hardly anything that I really, really wanted. I chose a sling, not the wrap type but a solid sling, no rings, hopefully it will fit & work well.

I told MIL people could order ONLINE & DH just started LOLing @ me when she replied EXACTLY like I already KNEW she would; that NO ONE was going to go ONLINE & shop!!! arg!

@ least I scanned a car seat. An infant one & then I found a 3 in 1, bigger & bulkier but it made sense to me to get that, it goes from infant to the booster, kwim? But do I WANT the infant one to be able to carry him? IDK You tell me, please?

DH didn't think we'd need an extra base for the infant one...Has he REALLY forgotten how CONVENIENT that is to have 2 bases? I mean SERIOULSY! Even L had 2 boosters! DUH! lol

I was like: do YOU want to be the one to UNDO it each & every time? UNLESS he's *trying* to make it hard sot hat we NEVER trade cars....cause the lease is up & eventually (any time now) he will be getting a *new* car. We HAVE too cause the lease is up & we owe more then the car is now worth. Don't remind me---> consequences, consequences, consequences!

How big/small should my registry be?

I know I scanned 2 diaper bags. I scanned one then DH pointed out one he thought was *nice* so I just went ahead & scanned that too. I couldn't tell if he was just trying to point things out or if he was showing a preference. kwim? It was that same confusion that led me to become a scanning maniac to begin w/. kwim? Cause I already had some preconceived ideas of what I did & did NOT want...then all of a sudden he'd make a comment & felt obligated to scan items he was pointing out. kwim?

Initially I said I wanted the *theme* to be *frogs* so he was then pointing out EVERY single thing that had a frog on it. kwim? Trying to be nice, ya know...but I was only referring to bedding...or the baby shower decorations. But now I don't even think I want frogs...IDK I didn't even get to the bedding area!!!

I did scan some cloth diapers they had. I know they won't be DSQ but I have to make due...hopefully if people are willing to buy me enough, it could work well enough.....who knows what can and/or will change as baby grows & then I can afford to buy real ones online....

Have you seen those gdiaper systems? I think it's kinda funky but they are *flushable* or *compostable* disposables? But they require a cloth/plastic diaper cover. Weird. But the covers said you can use them for cloth diapers so I scanned a bunch of those....they didn't even have any nicer cloth diaper covers except *plastic* pants, which are just awful! I hate those!

Oh...so anyway...

I think I may just HAVE to go back again! sigh.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

taking it's toll.

I don't normally ever get to the point of *wanting* it to all be over. Not even @ the end. I know it's best for baby to stay put as long as possible & I know how different things will be once baby is here....so I never get that impatient feeling or want to rush the pregnancy.

But this week...I feel different.

I think it started when I made a mistake & thought I was a week farther than I really was. I had a momentary shock of panic to think I only had 6 weeks left, but really I have 7. I was feeling a bit down over some other unrelated matters & began thinking what I nice & lovely distraction it would be to have baby now. kwim?

Maybe I will feel different tomorrow. I usually feel different *tomorrow*. kwim?

Or I mean maybe *registering* will cheer me up. It's like shopping except you don't spend any $$$$. lol

I'd like to *make* baby something too, a nice crochet blanket or something but for whatever reason, I'm just *not* motivated for that either.

I'm disappointed in myself for being so INactive this pg. I wanted this to be everything I wanted it to be. kwim? It's prolly the last, no specific reason why, just how I feel. SO I wanted it to be the best pg ever. But I allowed it to get away from me.

I just feel like a giant bump on a log. It's not just being pg...it's being INactive. I'm certain this is the *biggest* I've ever been...I can *see* it, I can *feel* it & it's just blah!

This might be the pg I *don't* lose any weight afterwards......kwim?

Then again, like I said, I might feel better tomorrow.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Guess it was nothing...

So yesterday I was afraid my water had broke...or something.
No need to go into TMI? OR maybe I can, it's my blog anyway, right?

So went to the restroom & when I was finished there was another continuous *gush*...weird.
The thing is I've never experienced my water breaking before labor. W/ S I was already @ the hospital near the end & it broke on a*push*.

W/ L, the midwife broke it for me as I was already 9.5 cm dilated & L was born soon after. kwim?

So I was quite perplexed...& I do not normally have incontinence issues during my pregnancies.

So I just lay low & kept up the water intake.
Things seem fine today.
Guess I just need to chalk it up to one of those weird pg things/quirks.

One of those things that makes you go hhhmmm? kwim?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

When did I become so sensitive?

There has been some extended family drama recently & I just can't believe how it has affected me!!!

I was so upset Monday over some shocking news & I could feel my entire body physically tensing up & my stomach start cramping. Well by Tuesday, I was having some pretty strong cramping & braxton hicks all day! I stayed laying down, upped my magnesium & water intake.

It's so discouraging though how even though I didn't appear to be upset & felt I had vented enough to feel ok about the situation, it was still obviously affecting me.

It was almost scary...but everything seems fine now! :-)

Monday, January 19, 2009

If I hear ONE MORE TIME...

"you are so huge!" I will not be able to control myself & may smartly retort: So are YOU!!!

& NO I am NOT due *next month*. I am due in APRIL....that's almost 3 mos away.
& yep, I prolly *will* get bigger.

Yes I AM pg!

It's a boy & NO I am NOT telling you the name.

I will probably let you touch my stomach if you ask.

And hey--my face is UP HERE!

Yes I'm aware that I am now *totally* showing.
& no I don't need or want a second serving of food, nor do I have *room* for more, either.

AND I really do feel GREAT! :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


After getting out of the habit, I decided to call in to the casting agency...FIRST call was for pg women, obviously showing, between 6-8 mos...

BUT in their 20's! Bummer!

I called & left my info anyway....who knows? right?

Sex-pot to Totally NOT!

Not that I've ever *really* considered myself a sex-pot or even close...but there's that small window of opportunity in pregnancy where your body's filling out & you don't exactly *look* pg but your skin is glowing & fresh, you're kinda voluptuous & the hormones are raging. Well, that is if you're not barfing & hanging out over a disgusting toilet all day.

But anyway, one day it suddenly switches & nothing fits & you can't see your feet & you keep noticing stains on your shirt where your stomach is just *always* in the way! In *that* moment, you struggle to still look somewhat attractive, despite your growing girth.

You long for some semblance of *self* & not just the identity of human-incubator. kwim?
You try to dress nicer, which is a total joke as far as the maternity fashion ward is concerned, but we wear denial like a badge of honor & try anyway.

I experienced that first hand today. It's been hot suddenly, in the dead of winter, so I found myself a maternity skirt. I told myself it was cute, ignoring the UNflattering bunched elastic along the back, worn w/ a bright red maternity shirt. (@ least it didn't have any stains) I did wonder, however, if it was this fitted *now*, how would it be next month? {sigh}

I was @ the mall w/ DH, he was looking for shoes.

I happend to land my eyes on the cutest & slightly sexy heels EVER.
They had a bit of open toe, a bow, cork heel & the shoe itself was a tiny red rose print. Can you say Fabulous!
And comparitively speaking, they made my gams look great!
I pondered if I, an obviously full & pg woman, could *pull it off*.
I was debating how long I could *really* wear them until I began to ache *somewhere*...when DH walked up behind me & as I just slightly turned to look @ him.....nearly fell over as I lost my balance!

A simple physical manuever, taken for granted in so many other moments....

The right one didn't quite fit well enough anyway!
& they really weren't worth the price. You call *that* clearance? hmph!
I put them back in the box, noticing a black scuff along the side, they must be a *return*.

And slipped my feet back into the flip-flops I was wearing.

Do you think I could pull off high heels while transporting baby in a sling? ;-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

MUST have/read for EVERY Mother!

A friend from church gave me this book about 2 weeks ago.

It is totally amazing. It's written for pg mothers. It is full of blessing prayers for baby while in utero but it can be used for children already born. It makes so much sense.

The amazing thing is that while I've been saying these prayers & blessing over my babe, I have felt God ministering to my own soul through the words.

I wish I could afford to purchase a box of them & I'd give them to every mother I know.

Pure Joy!