Friday, May 22, 2009

What's it worth?

average nights sleep? 3 hours

diapers changed per day? 10

minutes to myself? 0

Being the first to make baby smile? PRICELESS!!!


Yes, I got a huge grin today. I was holding a cloth diaper in front of baby, playing peek-a-boo, this morning. One time it produced a huge grin. Another time I snuzzled & tickled his neck & he did the same thing but you always doubt that first one right? lol

I also kept sticking my tongue in & out knowing he would/should copy me, and he did. What a little sweetie he is!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Magical Month One!

It feels like a lifetime but baby is one month old!

I feel like we finally know each other. I feel adjusted (to the sleep loss? lol) & confident, as if all my baby momma skills suddenly came back to me overnight. heehee. He doesn't seem so fragile anymore. I know when he's tired but cries cause he doesn't know how to fall asleep. I know when he's crying cause he wants to be held but isn't starving. Or when he has an air bubble & needs to burp.

He enjoys walks in the stroller. Especially when he's a bit tired. He'll cry a bit then fall asleep. One night he slept in the stroller for 3 hours! I didn't know what to do w/ myself! lol

I am so in love.