Tuesday, July 21, 2009


aka Elimination Communication. aka Infant Potty Training.

I'm taking this up. We're on day 4 & this is going so much better than I imagined. Seriously! I'm totally hooked. It's so easy. @ least I have made it very easy on myself. As soon as he wakes up...to the sink we go. We make faces in the mirror & laugh & sure enough....psssss! yay!

The warm weather is also making it easy because baby can be half clothed w/ ease as I watch for signs. I am not stressing msyelf out about it. There are many misses but they are near misses.

Yesterday we were out & about. I wasn't sure how that would work. I just *knew* he had to go but I wasn't able to get to him on time but when I did check his dipey--sure enough, he had *jsut* gone!

This is also such a self confidence booster as a mother too. Confirming how much I really do know my child/baby. And it's actually a lot of FUN!

Not to mention the diapers I am saving each time I get a catch.

Friday, July 17, 2009

sleep? what! sleep?

Hopeing not to jinx myself but baby has effectively been going to sleep around 9pm or so last few nights. Seriously. I think we may finally be settling on a routine. Although...I think I may also remember this same thing happening w/ last baby (current 7yo) & all my hopes getting dashed as soon as she started cutting her teeth in.

I will enjoy it while I can. This week we have been trapped in our home due to some house painting & have had to have teh windows closed. So we ahev been running fans. I think the fan noise seems to really help him sleep. wierd. But hey! whatever works right?

I do think he is beginning to teethe for reals now too. Instead of just sucking, he is really gnawing or biting down on my knuckle now. Hope it doesn't get too bad for him.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I think baby is a nudist...

Lately it has been really hot. That's dreadful when you have a new cuddly sweet baby. I jsut *had* to put him down but he was so upset. Then something amazing happened....he cried harder & louder when I laid him down until....I took his diaper off.

Suddenly he was SO happy. I took it off & left it off & he was all smiles, giggles & crazy kicky feet. LOL

I've been trying this @ least once or twice a day, when we have some down time, to be sure it wasn't just a fluke.

It's confirmed, that cute little guy just loves to be nakey! :-)