Monday, March 30, 2009

Yay for cloth dipeys!!!

I finished a doz cloth dipeys! It wasn't as hard as I initially made it out to be. I thought it would be easy...once I started it was more challenging then I estimated...then I REread the online directions & voila! Much easier!

It helps if you read directions thoroughly & not just *skim*. heehee Lesson learned...hopefully.

I have been gifted w/ a couple packages of disposey diapers. I appreciate that...for the beginning especially. I was also gifted w/ a dozen prefold cloth diapers! SO grateful because then I don't feel so pressured to rush & get more made before baby is born.

Not only am I trying to save $$$ I don't even have, w/ the cloth dipeys, but I *seriously* prefer cloth diapers. No, really. It's really NOT hard to keep them up. They don't require so much extra washing care as
people think. I have it fairly simplified over all.

I found a tutorial onlinefor making the cloth diapers, using sweatshirts &
T-shirts...right up my upcycling alley! I had some flannel fabric that I used on a few, for a cute backing, then used strips of sweatshirt for the middle thickness & lined the other side w/ upcycled t-shirt! The worst part was the cutting! I hate cutting fabric anyway, so this was nothing new. lol

Would you like to see some pix?

I'll be using the flannel scraps I have left over for homemade baby wipes. It's too easy *not* too. I simply fold them into a double layer & zig zag around.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Nothing to report here on week 38!

I asked my not-so-littles if they wanted to come to the hospital when I go into labor, if it was night time, or they wanted to wait @ home. Birdy responded that she wanted to be *surprised* so for me to tell her I was going to a a meeting, then come home w/ the baby! lol

I didn't quite understand her rationale on that.

Then when they were going to bed, I asked them if I go into labor do you want me to wake you up to go to the hospital w/ us or let you sleep....they responded, quite adamantly that I should *wake them up!!!* I guess they changed their minds?

I'm tired but I think it's simply because I have been staying up way too late & I honestly think that makes me have a restless sleep. Otherwise, I must confess, this pg has not been all that bad. Tired more than usual & ever before but that's it. That can also be from my lack of physical activity & too much carb intake. Prolly need more protein.

My weight gain is the most EVER...trying not to dwell on it because it IS still within normal & recommended weight gain for pg. But still...kwim?

Even my sciatica has not been that bothersome. No nausea in the beginning...just major fatigue! I really can't complain. Thank goodness I have had an extremely helpful & understanding DH home this time around.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Everyday I wake up...

and wonder if *today* would make a good birth day....I say it out does march 24th sound? How does it roll off the tongue?

I am having LOTS of contractions today but NONE are consistent & NONE seem very strong for *anything*. sad {sigh}


SO no this is not an announcement or even false alarm...just *wishful* thinking. lol Grin2

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I took back the duplicates & a couple other items I don't need. Wasn't too bad. & I let my not-so-littles scan whatever. lol

I finally found some bedding & blankets I really liked. Not that it matters but some people are really interested in your *theme*...well I realized my *theme* is basically *green*. lol I really like the colors they have now of green, brown & maybe some blue thrown in. So I scanned quite a few coordinating littel blankets, one full bedding set & other odds & ends like canvas baskets & such.

I don't think I will get them but you never know.

After returning the items, combined w/ a gift card I received...I think I will be able to get a *jogging stroller*!!! Yay! Nothing fancy but something none the less. So I need to get back to my *research*.

I *still* want to make something for baby but I just don't know WHAT!!! It's HOT today so now i'm thinking w/ warmer weather on the way that a light weight {sewn} blanket would be better than a crocheted one. Most of the fabric I have though....girly! I have to figure *something* out.

Back to Babies R Us today.

I'm behind on posting, sorry. But hey! I made a slideshow of all my pg pix, week by week but blog is giving me grief when trying to post maybe later.

Anyhoo. The shower turned out nice. We got a car seat, which was *really* ALL we *needed*! kwim? I feel a bit bad cause people keep asking me what we *need*---well after all these years, either I've forgotten or (& this is what I actually believe) I've just realized what I simply DON'T need. Which is most everything made for babies these days. lol I don't have space for *stuff*. My personal philosophy is that most of the larger items are created for moms to NOT hold baby.

Well duh! Isn't that what we are *supposed* to be doing? SO who needs a vibrating seat? Who needs a rocker seat? Who needs a gym hanging toy thingy? Who needs an exersaucer? kwim? & they use it for such a short time.

I prefer to *wear* my babies & then if I must set them down, they can learn to play on a blanket....not to mention....brothers & sisters that can help & entertain baby. kwim?

I don't have room for a highchair. Big E's aunt was kind enough to purchase the booster seat that comes w/ a tray, that attaches to a regular dining chair, from my registry! I think it's perfect & it's height adjustable. I had something similar w/ the last 2 & it was much more convenient.

I'm off again today to return some duplicate items & allow the not-so-littles to scan some more items. It's fun for them.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I really can't believe I'm so close. kwim? Tomorrow is the baby shower MIL is throwing for me. Initially she told me it would be @ the park. I thought that was a great idea so I would be able to invite my own friends too. She told me I could.

But then she changed it to her house. I even told her she could have it here @ *my* house...we've had *Welcome Baby* parties here before....but she declined. So I really didn't invite any of my own friends to it. I know it will be crowded enough & parking will be a bear.

She was afraid the family from TJ would not want to go to the park or to my house....I guess she forgot that they've all been here before....idk.

Some ladies/friends from church said they were going to throw me one....I think now they are planning on throwing a *Welcome Baby*??? I'm not exactly sure.

I don't even know if MIL is planning on any games or any thing & she seems quite stressed out over it altogether. I *hate* that. It makes me uncomfortable. & the time kept getting moved later & I already know it's going to be a very *long* day.

I think I should have registered for some more & different items but I never made it back down there, we've just been *so* busy. Oh well. & mil told DH that some of the *aunts* were complaining that they could not find anything on my registry. Well yah, that's kinda how it is. A list just prints out w/ sku numbers & the title of the you have to search thru the store to find it.

But I don't care. I couldn't register IN the store for what I really wanted anyway, so a gift is a gift. I'm sure anything they get will be fine. And if not...I'll just take it back, get store credit & stock up from wanted items, online, that were not available in the store. lol

I didn't even get a chance to scan/register for blankets! I'll prolly end up w/ a lot of blue items when I really want green but that is my own fault. I could not decide between the green w/ frogs or the green w/ monkeys. lol

Maybe when/if my other friends throw me one...I'll have a better idea. who knows? lol

I don't know if I want to wear a pretty dress---that makes me look even huger, tomorrow...or a shirt & pant...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This midwife is SO fast during appointments. SHe's nice but she's so upbeat & our appointments literally FLY by ina bout 15 min. lol

No diabetes---no suprise there. duh. SHe seeemd a bit surprised but pleased that blood tests showed NO anemia either.

I have to admit, the idea that I have gained the *most* weight EVER this pg (which I totally blame on being SO inactive!), is so disconcerting to think about---BUT @ the same time, I AM strong & healthy.

I have had some extremely stressful moments that I *literally* thought I would go into pre-term labor!!! But baby & I are *strong* & that is what matters. Baby is *still* so active & it's wonderful.

Of course CNM reiterated that labor @ this point would *not* be stopped. It's considered totally safe from here on out. I don't have any history of preterm or real early deliveries so I am not counting on it. lol

It would be *nice* though---I feel SO busy lately & I know I am not geting enough rest so it would be nice to have baby simply so I would be forced to SIT DOWN! I'd have a great excuse, no one would expect anything from me & I wouldn't feel pressure to DO anything but SIT & care for baby.

*I* personally beleive that is why God designed us to breastfeed!!! lol So we mothers would be FORCED to SIT & rest @ least every few hours. I do have one small fear---that my inactivity will result in a longer & harder labor....I don't want to jinx myself but I'm just saying...kwim?

My BH have definately gotten more frequent & stronger but nothing serious.

I'm debating whether I should go in, when labor begins, as early as possible so I have time to settle in @ the hospital & have a real birthing room---or if I should just stay home as long as possible then go last minute, like in the past & then be rushed into a *delivery* room when the staff are caught by surprise if things go as quickly as past labors. kwim?

Not sure which is worth more to me....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I tried to get out of it...thought I had by missing it in December...but NO!

CNM *still* wanted me to go in to get my Glucose Tolerance test done. Which is this annoying test to check for gestational diabetes. {eyeroll} I know, I'm SO rebellious!

So you can't eat anything past 11pm, which I never do anyway BUT because they told me not to, I totally wanted to. lol I almost forgot this morning NOT to eat--simply out of habit.

I get there first thing @ 7am. I had to wake up in the dark mind you due to the time change. ugh. There was a long line @ the lab. Go in, drink the sweet orange stuff. It kind of tastes like flat orange soda but on an ampty stomach...ugh. They take blood. The guy who did it---barely a pinch. He was good except I couldn't really understand his accent. He was nice enough NOT to tape the gauze to my hairy arms but used this sticky ace bandage-y stuff instead.

Next hour go in for more blood....a different person. This one poked a bit more & she used tape but didn't put it too tight, thank goodness.

Next hour, last time. This one HURT! & she put the tape TIGHT! What happened to the ace bandage? kwim?

It was over anyway.
I crocheted a hat while I was there & did some writing. Real writing, on paper, in a journal book. lol

My arm is still sore from the last one & I think I have a slight bruise. What's up w/ that?

I have my next prenatal appointment tomorrow AND Birdy has a violin lesson half hour later. I have to scramble to figure out a way to get her to her lesson while I am @ w/ the CNM......Dh is unavailable. (for a good reason) And she can't miss, it's her first one & she had to miss last week cause DS had Scarlet Fever. I've had it before, which makes me immune, so baby & I were safe.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Getting excited?

I think I am....

A few online E-quaintances have had their babies recently & it makes me feel excited.

Plus, w/ all the extended family drama & stress I've been experiencing lately, I am looking fwd to the sweet blessing & distraction a baby can bring. I still need to get the crib out of the garage & make sure everything is ok w/ it.

I need to clean up my room really good to make room for the crib, or in the not-so-littles room.

Baby will be rooming n w/ us & co-sleeping for quite some time, but eventually will be in the crib & I want it out & about now. kwim? Our rooms are so small...

The BH I experience are getting stronger. Nothing serious but simply noticeably stronger & more intense. Sleeping is getting harder & sciatica is getting stronger but not as bad as I far anyway. I am thankful about that though.

@ my last appointment CNM still pointed out that she *still* wants me to take the diabetes/sugar test. {eyeroll} She said though that they would do some other labs @ the same time. I'm not sure what other tests there are...but whatever. Everyone has been sick here so I did not make the appointment yet, but I will tomorrow, unless I forget. She also said she will do an ultra-sound @ the next app & they will being to be every 2 weeks now.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Registery ugh!

Yesterday & today I finally went to register....

Sunday was AWFUL! What a nightmare! Plus I was rushed but WHY do they only have ONE employee working the registry counter on a WEEKEND? kwim?
I jsut needed to get those little cards to give to my MIL.

Went back today to actually register for *real* items...
I feel guilty for being flippant & putting the Nintendo DS (handheld) on the registry ONLY because S saw & instantly got SO excited not understanding what this whole *registry* deal is & thinking we were going to actually GET those items or people were REALLY going to BUY us what we scan. kwim?

Maybe it would work if that was ALL I had on my registry. kwim? Cause I am rebellious like that.

SO I went back today & ONLY was able to hit 1/4 of the store & ended up w/ 123 items on my registry.
123 items of WHAT? I have NO idea really.
But each & every item seemed to make sense @ the time. kwim?

I think it was mostly various lotions, washes, (all natural) & then other various things that I never knew they sold there like mouthwash, toothpaste & toothbrushes, for adults. lol

And hardly anything that I really, really wanted. I chose a sling, not the wrap type but a solid sling, no rings, hopefully it will fit & work well.

I told MIL people could order ONLINE & DH just started LOLing @ me when she replied EXACTLY like I already KNEW she would; that NO ONE was going to go ONLINE & shop!!! arg!

@ least I scanned a car seat. An infant one & then I found a 3 in 1, bigger & bulkier but it made sense to me to get that, it goes from infant to the booster, kwim? But do I WANT the infant one to be able to carry him? IDK You tell me, please?

DH didn't think we'd need an extra base for the infant one...Has he REALLY forgotten how CONVENIENT that is to have 2 bases? I mean SERIOULSY! Even L had 2 boosters! DUH! lol

I was like: do YOU want to be the one to UNDO it each & every time? UNLESS he's *trying* to make it hard sot hat we NEVER trade cars....cause the lease is up & eventually (any time now) he will be getting a *new* car. We HAVE too cause the lease is up & we owe more then the car is now worth. Don't remind me---> consequences, consequences, consequences!

How big/small should my registry be?

I know I scanned 2 diaper bags. I scanned one then DH pointed out one he thought was *nice* so I just went ahead & scanned that too. I couldn't tell if he was just trying to point things out or if he was showing a preference. kwim? It was that same confusion that led me to become a scanning maniac to begin w/. kwim? Cause I already had some preconceived ideas of what I did & did NOT want...then all of a sudden he'd make a comment & felt obligated to scan items he was pointing out. kwim?

Initially I said I wanted the *theme* to be *frogs* so he was then pointing out EVERY single thing that had a frog on it. kwim? Trying to be nice, ya know...but I was only referring to bedding...or the baby shower decorations. But now I don't even think I want frogs...IDK I didn't even get to the bedding area!!!

I did scan some cloth diapers they had. I know they won't be DSQ but I have to make due...hopefully if people are willing to buy me enough, it could work well enough.....who knows what can and/or will change as baby grows & then I can afford to buy real ones online....

Have you seen those gdiaper systems? I think it's kinda funky but they are *flushable* or *compostable* disposables? But they require a cloth/plastic diaper cover. Weird. But the covers said you can use them for cloth diapers so I scanned a bunch of those....they didn't even have any nicer cloth diaper covers except *plastic* pants, which are just awful! I hate those! anyway...

I think I may just HAVE to go back again! sigh.